Thursday, December 18, 2014

Apple Defending Microsoft

So Apple and 18 Tech rivals and 16 media companies are defending Microsoft in a court case because U.S. Law Enforcement is not able to view oversea data in foreign countries with out a warrant. So if a company that is based in the United States but has a building oversea's the U.S. Government cant access data in that building because its not on U.S. soil and not under U.S. law in that country. If a country gives the OK to Microsoft for the U.S. so search data then it fine but if its not a U.S. allied country then its something different. Also Microsoft is beginning to accept Bitcoin.

Tech Article

Monday, December 15, 2014

Do Now 12/15

Something to make the world a better place is stopping Terrorist groups in this world. If there was no terrorism then Earth can be a better place. We could be able to forget about 9/11 and ISIS if terrorism was gone.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Favorite Restaurant

Wood-Ridge Pizza

Wood-Ridge Pizza is located on 200 Hackensack St, Wood-Ridge NJ 07075. Wood-Ridge Pizza serves Pizza,Seafood,Desserts,etc. My favorite dish is a plain pizza there because its very good in taste and the texture is great. Wood-Ridge Pizza is my favorite because its cheap and they really have great pizza there. There popular items are Cheese Pizza, Mozzarella Sticks, Cannoli, Philly Cheese Steak.
       On GrubHub Wood-Ridge Pizza has 3 and half stars and On Yelp it has 2 stars.
Some people say that they had a bad time when they went there but when I go there I have no problems. Their bustiest time for them is when school is done for the day you would see a lot of kids after schools but that's when I'm there to order a pizza. A lot of kids would buy a slice for a dollar because its cheap.
       I like to go there after me and few other soccer players play a little game of soccer. Its great when your there with some friends after you hangout. If its closed forever I will find another cheap place. So if you need a cheap pizza place at the last minute go to Wood-Ridge Pizza. Its a great place and the owner is nice and they have great service that's why Wood-Ridge Pizza is my favorite.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

North Korea Denies Sony Hack

So recently Sony was hacked and people thought North Korea hacked Sony but North Korea is declining the hack and a statement that says The North Korean government was not responsible. But KCNA called NK's involvement "a wild rumor". This started after a movie called  The Interview that has a plot of killing North Korea's leader Kim Long Lee. In June NK said the movie was an Act Of War and on Sunday NK said its a terrorist act.

Article & Video

Discussion Questions RSS Feed Project

Answer #1: I selected the sites i subscribed to because i have an interest in those sites.
Answer #2: It was not that easy because you have to find a good site.
Answer #3: My favorite site is the U.S. Navy's official site its a great site.
Answer #4: You can use RSS feeds for blog postings.
Answer #5: On a scale of 1-10 on how likely I'll use RSS feeds in the future is a 2 because I would not need it in the future.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Sony Hacked

So the North Koreans hacked Sony because of a movie called The Interview had a plot of killing Kim Jong Lee. I guess KJL got mad and made his military hack Sony. Sony lost Money and Movie Ideas because of this so now this made the FBI to monitor this problem.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Web 2.0 Do Now

My class would be about Soccer. The class would have to be full of people who play soccer. they will learn how to perfect their Skill,Shots,PK's,Free Kicks and ETC. The class would meet during last period on the field with their soccer cleats. This class would become a soccer team during the soccer season. During the season the class would have to meet during the last two periods.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Firefox Drops Google For.......

So Firefox is dropping Google for Yahoo as the default search engine for Mozilla's Firefox browser. Google's three year contract with Mozilla ends in December had been worth one billion dollars. Mozilla announced the news late Wednesday. Also  Microsoft is considering a new name for internet explorer.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Flying Aircraft Carrier?

So the Pentagon needs ideas to make a flying aircraft carrier for unman drones. But I think they should make their whole Navy fleet with flying ships its better. This company called DARPA wants to bring the idea to life. They say this can help the military in many ways.

Article Link
A British MQ-9 Reaper sits on a runway on March 17. Both British and American Reapers are deployed to Afghanistan.

Wiki in English

Wiki in English so I have to do a research for English and its about aliens. My question is do aliens exist? so I went to wiki and found a lot of stuff about it. If we create a wiki for this class it can help a lot with blog postings, projects and etc. I have been using wiki for every project, research paper i ever had and wiki is my #1 website to help with research.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

What I Did Over The Weekend

Over the weekend I hanged out with some friends and went to the basketball court at the park and shot some hopes. After that we went to get pizza we saw the TV and the Jets game was on we were surprised that the Jets were winning.


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

White House Hacked

So the White House was hacked last Friday. The hackers got into computer used by Obama's top advisers. Maybe the Secret Service didn't see this one coming like they didn't see the fence jumper.

Click Here For Story And Video

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

X-37B Tech Article

So the U.S. Air Force sent this unmanned space plane named X-37B it was made by Boeing no one knows why it was there. The space craft landed at Vandenberg Air Force base in California on Friday morning after a two year mission. The craft took of from Cape Canaveral in  Florida on December 11, 2012.
click here for video

Thursday, October 16, 2014

So Mark Zuckerberg donated 25 million to help fight Ebola

mark zuckerberg ebola
So Facebook's founder is donating 25 million dollars to help fight Ebola. If you know Ebola is a dangerous disease that started to bring terror in South Africa in 1976. Ebola was actually in the U.S. In Virginia monkeys where be tested but monkeys started dying because of Ebola so the military had to kill all the monkeys because Ebola was going threw the air vent in the 1980's. With Ebola now making a stand in the U.S. so far only one person died on U.S.soil. "We have to get Ebola under control" said Mark Zuckerberg.
Click here for Article

Friday, October 10, 2014

Robot Boats

The US Navy is now using robots they use these boats boats if a threat is posed to a USN vessel. IN august they showed a video of these robot boats they call them CARACas they prevent attacks. They have NASA software. 

Friday, October 3, 2014

Is the future around the corner?

Boba FettSpeeder Bikes
Rail GunsLaser Cannons

So is the future really around the corner? With today technology is actually is around the world right now in Manchester Airport they have two Hologram employees. then force field tanks in the military and Boba Fett in the Military. Sounds like the stuff you would see in Star Wars and Star Trek. So lets start with Boba Fett. The military is designing armor that can deflect bullets. I wished Storm Troopers had this. in 2005 the military made force field tanks just in case we have a zombie up rising the military is the best defense against the zombies. Then the Speeder bike that Luke Skywalker and the rebels used. Aerofex  made a hover bike that can work its cost around a million dollars. The US Navy has been equipping their battleships with laser cannons yes you hear me I said laser cannons this can strike drones from a long distances.

Monday, September 29, 2014

what is editorial?

     An editorial is an opinion by someone on an online site or on paper. Editorials or located in the opinion section of a website or the newspaper.
         Teachers have told me that never trust Wikipedia because you never know if its right because people can edit it and put false information. Personally I still use Wikipedia because i trust it a lot its like the #1 site to get information these days instead of going to a library.
     Some teachers will allow me to use Wikipedia and Some wont because they think that Wikipedia is not trust able and asked a teacher once why cant I use Wikipedia she said that some information is not right some are lies I said that it depends on the information your reading though she said don't use Wikipedia in this class.
       Personally i will still use Wikipedia I trust the site a lot I used it on a lot of projects. Wikipedia is go to help you with projects or research.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Google Glass vs Optinvent

Google Glass optivent ORA

You may have heard of Google Glass as you know they are like 1,500 dollars but this french company called Optinvent made two tech glasses called ORA-1 and ORA-X. ORA-1 costs 500.99 dollars and ORA-X costs 300 dollars. These tech glasses are cheaper then the Google Glass that is made by Google. ORA-X features a front facing 1080p 5mp camera a 9 axis motion sensor. Also includes WiFi,GPS,Track-pad and Bluetooth. The Ora glasses are powered by a dual core ship that support apps.  "We were around long before Glass we started working on the core technology for smart glasses in 2008" said Optinvent CEO. So if your want Cheap Tech glasses like Google glass i suggest you buy ORA-1 or ORA-X 

ORA article
ORA glasses video

Google Glass optivent ORA

Thursday, September 18, 2014

IOS 8 sheilds data from police ?

apple is saying that IOS 8 will shield your texts messages,emails,and other data from the police.  if you put the data to your computer the police will fine the data on your computer. apple says they will comply if they have a warrant apples CEO said that he is not trying to open a backdoor to other countries with security risks

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Web 2.0: Multimedia Blog Pre-Posting

                                                       World History: Mr De Carlo

     I expected that I'll learn stuff from like the 1900's but we started learning about the Renaissance  that's the 1500's that's nowhere close to want I expected to learn. I've heard about the Renaissance before but i did not know that much about it.
     So far I learned the the renaissance started in Italy some countries in Europe  had different names like the People of Naples is now Italy. I found out that the Catholic Church charged people to tell them that they will go to heaven. A guy called Martin Luther found out that was not in the bible so he translated the bible into German so people could find out that the Catholic Church was lying to them.
      I was interested in how nobody knew about how the Church was lying to them i wonder how no one knew until Martin Luther told them about it. Why would the church lie to there people they knew that they cant make the people go to heaven. Also i was interested in how people burned down church's after they found out.
       Technology is used in the class by showing videos about the topic and telling us facts about the Renaissance during the 1500's.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Educational Technology and Copyright Law

i learned that whatever you created is instantly copyright protected. so if i drew amazing picture its protected if anyone tries to sell it and its creator does not know then the person is breaking the copyright law.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

goal-line technology

       Goal-line technology has help in soccer lately this idea began after Nigeria vs Cameroon in the Africa cup national finals in 2000. when a player from Nigeria shot a penalty kick the referee said it did not cross the line but television replays showed it did cross the line. Also during another game when Manchester Untied was going against Tottenham Hotspurs in 2005. The main system is a Hawk eye camera view this helped in the 2014 World Cup in Brazil *spoiler* Germeny wins it all